Supporting the Wayzata Symphony Orchestra can happen in many ways: attending a concert, inviting a friend to join you, sharing details of your positive concert experience with friends and family, and contributing financially to the organization.
By attending a concert, audience members are able to listen to high quality, live music in a comfortable, convenient location. By inviting others to future concerts, larger audiences are able to enjoy the enriching and entertaining WSO experience. All current and future audience members can easily become financial contributors to the WSO. Contributions are accepted at each performance and online donations can be made below.
Making a financial contribution to the WSO helps ensure the future of the organization, which means more positive concert experiences for everyone. Without the support of our generous donors, the WSO could not exist.
To mail a check:
Wayzata Symphony Orchestra
1161 Wayzata Blvd East #410
Wayzata, MN 55391
To donate online:
Donations made using the form below are securely processed by, whose form is embedded in our website. If your browser displays a security warning, it relates to the WSO website, which is not processing your payment. If you have questions please contact us at
Thank you for supporting the WSO!
Make a Donation Online
Choose a suggested amount below, or give whatever you want.